Useful Links

Eating Disorder Services in Scotland - A very useful list of all Eating Disorder Services across Scotland.

Eating Disorders in Scotland - Recommendations for Management and Treatment - Recommendations for Management and Treatment of Eating Disorders in Scotland.

b-eat - The Eating Disorders Association Site has good information about the eating disorders network in the UK and details of local self-help and support groups.

National Centre for Eating Disorders - The National Centre for Eating Disorders, UK, provides useful information.

Youth Health Talk - Young People and Eating Disorders Website.

Anorexia & Bulimia Care - Anorexia & Bulimia Care Website.

Something Fishy - is a very comprehensive site set up by a husband and wife team in America with a combination of good information, sufferers and carers stories and comments and it is regularly updated.

Eating Disorders in South-east Scotland - covering NHS regions Forth Valley, Fife, Lothian & Borders

NEEDS (North East Eating Disorders Support) - a local self help group in Grampian.

Scottish Eating Disorders Interest Group (SEDIG) - The Scottish Eating Disorders Interest Group Website.

MARSIPAN - Management of Really Sick Patients with Anorexia Nervosa "Key points for hospital staff".

NHS Health Scotland - the site of NHS Health Scotland offers a number of leaflets on aspects of mental health and wellbeing, including eating disorders.

Institute of Psychiatry/Maudsley Hospital - The Institute of Psychiatry/Maudsley Hospital site has good information and downloadable PDF's on medical complications of eating disorders and is kept up to date with research development.

The Royal College of Psychiatrists - The Royal College of Psychiatrists site offers leaflets in English and Chinese for patients, their families and friends and teachers, plus links to other organisations.

Eating Disorder Association of Northern Ireland - is the eating disorder association of the Republic of Ireland and gives comprehensive information for Eire as well as good general information.

Somerset & Wessex Site - The Somerset and Wessex site shows what a local area can do with input from health, education and voluntary agencies.

National Eating Disorders Organisation - USA - The national Eating Disorders Organisation in the USA has a very comprehensive site and has a particularly good handout on "what should I say tips for talking to a friend who may be struggling with an eating disorder".

Eating Disorders Support Group - Support Group in Orkney for those affected by Eating Disorders.

Men Get Eating Disorders Too - 'Men Get Eating Disorders Too' is a UK based charity dedicated to representing and supporting the needs of men with eating disorders.

Published: 09/10/2020 10:43